Happy New Year! 2016 Short Review


Hey everyone! I just wanted to stop in and wish you all a happy new year. 2016 has been quite the year, to say the least. For the world, it has been a rough one, but for me personally I’ve had a great one. There have been a lot of artistic strides that I’ve taken as well. Here are some of the highlights I can think of:

  1. I finished this website in March! Something that I had been planning to do for a year beforehand, and it finally became a reality.
  2. I got to meet San Diego Letters. I wasn’t originally going to do this, but I’m glad I did. My eyes have been opened to a whole new form of art. I’m grateful for the events that I have participated in with them and the people that I have met a long the way.
  3. Thumbprint Gallery submissions. Thanks to their events and a friend, I worked up the courage to put my work out there for sale! I submitted to not one, not two, but three shows for Thumbprint Gallery.
  4. Art publications. Thanks to a former job, I was introduced to 2 great quarterly publications. It’s great to receive such wonder inspiration in the mail every season.
  5. New Instagram. In hopes to create more motivation to do more art, I created a new Instagram account for just that. I’ve also linked it to my gallery submissions in hopes to continue to get my work out there.
  6. ADOBE MAX! I was able to go to the Adobe MAX conference here in San Diego. It was a fantastic experience and I hope I can attend again in the future.

It has been a great year, and I’m looking forward to what 2017 has coming next.